
Design improvement for Instahyre candidate portal.


While user the Instahyre portal, I saw a few scopes of improvement, in particular -


In the third step (upload resume) of candidate onboarding process.

candidate onboarding process


When entering the field of 'Which companies have you previously worked at?' as soon as I type the name and hit enter, the name is converted into a tag. Everything is fine till now, but let's assume a case when the candidate enters an incorrect name. Now the candidate has to delete the tag and retype the company's name.

Proposed Improvements

Make the tag editable on double click.

gmail tag edit


The candidate Account settings Page.

traversing through the page


When the candidate goes to his setting page, he may find a simple and minimalist page. But the lack of instruction and secondary check creates confusion regarding the password change.

Proposed Improvements

In most of the IT services we use, a password change process is broken down into multiple steps to make user completely understand the depth of completing this process. Like when user change the email id a verification process is triggered to finalize the result.

Whereas in the password change process no such event is present. An introduction of the same will give more clarity to the user.


Notification batch and active state of pages.

traversing through activity and opportunities pages


No visible confirmation for the active state of the current page.

The notification batch over Activity is permanent and doesn't dissolve even after traversing the page completely.

Proposed Improvements

Create a different class for active element in the navigation bar.

Visually showing the active state of the current page.
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